My Journey in Technology
2010 | Upgrade to Windows 7 Upgrade to Adobe CS5 |
2009 | Upgraded to Adobe CS4 Complete degree in Media Arts |
2008 | Pursue a degree in Media Arts Start Multimedia Training to a secondary school Manage LMS for a secondary school |
2007 | Purchased my 2nd laptop from NEC, installed with Windows Vista. Upgraded to Adobe CS3 Create my first commercial artwork. Switch my personal website to Joomla! CMS |
2006 | Create my first corporate website. Switch my personal website hosting to ReadySpace |
2005 | Graduate from my Multimedia Diploma. Create my first corporate marketing materials. Start using NucleusCMS for my personal website. |
2004 | Got my first laptop from Acer Started my Multimedia Development Diploma - Understand what is Multimedia. First contact with LMS from my Multimedia Diploma. Switch my personal website hosting to NewMedia Express First contact with Wordpress Blog. Switch my personal website from HTML to Wordpress. First contact with CMS |
2003 | Upgrade to Office 2003 Upgrade to Macromedia MX 2004 Upgrade to Adobe CS Got my first broadband Internet connection from Starhub My first personal website from IWI |
2002 | Start using Macromedia MX Upgraded to Photoshop 7 Got my first mobile phone from Starhub |
2001 | Obtained new computer with Windows XP Upgraded to Office XP |
2000 | Installed Windows ME. Upgraded to Office 2000 Upgraded to Adobe Photoshop 6 Switch to Starhub's Free Dialup Internet |
1999 | First contact with Javascripts and Dynamic HTML Upgraded to Windows 98 but downgrade back to Windows 95 due to Win98's instability. Start using Adobe Photoshop 4 |
1998 | Come in contact with Freeware and Shareware. First contact with Software CDs. First Microsoft software: Office 97 & Frontpage 97 Home connected to the Internet using Pacific Internet Create my first personal website at Geocities. Join my first online community. |
1997 | Got my first computer running Windows 95. First contact with the Internet and Email at Temasek Polytechnic. Start using Winzip First contact with Graphic Editing Software: Paint Shop Pro |
Learning in the age of New Media
The Age of New Media
Each new technology creates a new environment and opportunity. With the evolution of the Internet from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0, this has revolutionize the way we use the internet and change the way we learn. Since the beginning of the wide-spread usage of the internet until 2004, the internet was used for reading ad receiving content for research. After 2004, the Internet evolved into Web 2.0, with many social media websites and tools that allow the Internet users to create, contribute and collaborate contents online. Web 2.0 have also create a culture of openness, participation and contribution. The wisdom of the group now replace the expert.
This resulted in the explosion of information, the world getting smaller and social learning moving to the center stage. Learning has changed. Hence, education will need to change to keep up. Customization, Creation and Collaboration is now the new educational model. With the change, students now need teachers more than ever as teachers now becomes the facilitators of information.
The New Concept of Learning
Social media engages and motivates students to learn. It also creates many possibilities for teaching and learning. Learning is no passively constrained to a classroom or based on learning objects. Rather, learning is centered around the interest of a learner and is owned by the learner. (Personalized Learning) Students learn by involving themselves to the tasks. (Immersive Learning) Using a Computer, Laptop or Mobile Phones as a device, learning occurs through connection with other learners based on conversation and interaction. (Connected Learning)
For the first time, we are preparing students for a future we cannot fully describe. (David Warlick) Eric Hoffer mentioned that in times of rapid change, learners inherited Earth while the learned find themselves equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. Educators are encouraged not to limit the students to their own mode of learning as they are born in another era.
To start off, educators can:
- Learn about Web 2.0
Understand the concept of Web 2.0 and how it can impact learning.
- Lurk / Participate
Try out new social media tools. Lurk around to familiarize yourself before participating.
- Experiment with different Web 2.0 tools
Not all social media tools are suitable in all teaching and learning environment. Review the learning needs and the objective carefully before deciding of the tools can help you achieve the learning needs and objectives.
- Make education a Public Discussion
As learning is now immersive and connected, educators are encouraged to create a learning community in the class where knowledge emerge from conversations.
- Teach Content Production
Introduced various tools to the students and get them to create content through engaging activities.
- Guidance on Assessing the Right Content
Offer guidance and advise on selecting the appropriate contents and how to deal with unappropriated contents.
Social learning (social pedagogy). (2010, March 14). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:30, July 18, 2010, from
Open & Collaborative Learning. (2010, April). Slideshare. Retrieved 21:30, July 18, 2010, from
Collaborative and Co-operative Learning. (2010, June). Slideshare. Retrieved 21:30, July 18, 2010, from
Trends and Impacts of E-Learning 2.0. (2010, March). Slideshare. Retrieved 21:30, July 18, 2010, from
E-Learning 2.0 - Why the New Tools. (2010, March). Slideshare. Retrieved 21:30, July 18, 2010, from
Windows 8 Concept
Microsoft has changed its approach to naming operating systems (e.g XP, Vista) and is using an internal numbering system. The current Windows Operating System, Windows 7, is the 7th release. Hence the replacement for Windows 7 is expected to be called Windows 8. Microsoft normally release a new OS every 3 years, so Windows 8 should be launched in 20011/12, approximately 3 years after Windows 7.
Many Windows Fans are already creating concept videos on how the interface and user experience will be like. Take a look and vote which concept do you like by using the commenting system below.