My Journey in Technology

2010 Upgrade to Windows 7
Upgrade to Adobe CS5
2009 Upgraded to Adobe CS4
Complete degree in Media Arts
2008 Pursue a degree in Media Arts
Start Multimedia Training to a secondary school
Manage LMS for a secondary school
2007 Purchased my 2nd laptop from NEC, installed with Windows Vista.
Upgraded to Adobe CS3
Create my first commercial artwork.
Switch my personal website to Joomla! CMS
2006 Create my first corporate website.
Switch my personal website hosting to ReadySpace
2005 Graduate from my Multimedia Diploma.
Create my first corporate marketing materials.
Start using NucleusCMS for my personal website.
2004 Got my first laptop from Acer
Started my Multimedia Development Diploma - Understand what is Multimedia.
First contact with LMS from my Multimedia Diploma.
Switch my personal website hosting to NewMedia Express
First contact with Wordpress Blog. Switch my personal website from HTML to Wordpress.
First contact with CMS
2003 Upgrade to Office 2003
Upgrade to Macromedia MX 2004
Upgrade to Adobe CS
Got my first broadband Internet connection from Starhub
My first personal website from IWI
2002 Start using Macromedia MX
Upgraded to Photoshop 7
Got my first mobile phone from Starhub
2001 Obtained new computer with Windows XP
Upgraded to Office XP
2000 Installed Windows ME.
Upgraded to Office 2000
Upgraded to Adobe Photoshop 6
Switch to Starhub's Free Dialup Internet
1999 First contact with Javascripts and Dynamic HTML
Upgraded to Windows 98 but downgrade back to Windows 95 due to Win98's instability.
Start using Adobe Photoshop 4
1998 Come in contact with Freeware and Shareware.
First contact with Software CDs.
First Microsoft software: Office 97 & Frontpage 97
Home connected to the Internet using Pacific Internet
Create my first personal website at Geocities.
Join my first online community.
1997 Got my first computer running Windows 95.
First contact with the Internet and Email at
Temasek Polytechnic.
Start using Winzip
First contact with Graphic Editing Software: Paint Shop Pro

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