Illustrator Lesson 1 Materials

Dear students,

Here are the files required for the first lesson of Adobe Illustrator.

Download from LMS:

Mirror Download:

If the download is slow, try the mirror download. Please download the files before the lesson and bring along your thumbdrive to the lessons.

Microsoft Windows 7 and Office 2010

The year 2010 brings some new applications to the PC computing! Windows 7 will be released in October this year. I am looking forward to new features such as Windows Touch, Jump List and performance and productivity enhancements like Aero Peek & Aero Shake. It is time to purchase a touch-screen & tablet PC along with the new operating system. I will be looking at either Fujitsu or Toshiba tablet.

Windows 7 is now faster, less bloated and more efficient. Together with Windows Live Essentials, the new operating system will be an ideal computing environment!

Office 2010 will also be release early next year. The latest version of Office 2010 will feature online collaboration capabilities, built-in screen capture tool, improved background removal tool and Office Backstage. Click Here for more details.

I have to save up on laptop and software purchase next year. Anyone interested in buying over my (licenced) copy of my Office 2007 Professional?

Windows Live Messenger is now 10!

Windows Live Messenger has become a part of our Cyberlives. Whenever we are online, we need to launch the messenger to be connected to friends. With 330 million users, it has become the most widely used free instant messenger.

Besides using it to communicate with my friends, at work, I used it as one of the communication tools with my students and collegues. Messengers allows me to have a quick textual conversation, exchange and transfer files. (Other communication tools I used are Facebook and this Blog).

So let's recall how this product came about 10 years ago...

Media Club: Flash Training 2009

For all Students of Media Club AV Track:

Multimedia Training will commence on the 27 July 2009.

The details of the Training for Term 3 is as follows:

Course: Basic Animation with Adobe Flash & Illustrator
Training: Every Monday Afternoon
Time: 3pm - 5pm
Location: Computer Lab 4

July 27, 2009Flash Animation - Design ConceptsMrs Milesi & Mr Daniel
August 03, 2009Flash Animation - IllustratorMrs Milesi & Mr Daniel
August 17, 2009Flash Animation - Flash AnimationMrs Milesi & Mr Daniel
August 24, 2009Flash Animation - Project WorkMrs Milesi & Mr Daniel
August 31, 2009Flash Animation - Project ShowcaseMrs Milesi & Mr Daniel

Please bring along your USB thumbdrive for the training and watch this blog for notice on when and where to download the course materials for the training.

To avoid network conjestions and delays, it is recommended that you download the materials the day before training.

You may also want to use Skydrive to store your project files in case your workspace has insufficient disk space.

Thank You and see you on Monday for the Training.

Post ISPL Week Survey

Dear Lower Secondary Students,

ISPL Week is now over. We hope to receive your feedback on your experiences for improvements.

Please login to your LMS account and click on the link below to do the survey:

Thank You for your time and effort! :)

Bring your USB Thumbdrive for Scanning this Week

Dear Sec 2E students,

We are scanning your panel drawings this week. Next week onwards, we are commencing computer work on your comic strips. So please remember to bring your USB Thumbdrive to PW lesson from this week onwards.

This week, you should have finished all your panel drawings and have selected the best panels to be combined into your final set of panels. Boleh?

As we require all students to learn how to scan and we have only 1 scanner in the lab and 10 groups of students in a class, there is limited equipment to go around. Hence, during this week's PW lessons, you are required to scan only TWO of your panels. You are required to scan the rest of the panels either at home or after school.

In school, we are using Adobe Photoshop CS3 together with the scanner for scanning. If you do not have Adobe Photoshop CS3 at home, any other equivalent software or the scanning software that comes with your scanner will do.

Remember not to put all eggs into one basket! All group members each must have a copy of the scanned panels. Backup a copy of the scanned panels online on Skydrive with access given to all members.

All the best and looking forward to see your masterpieces!

iSports Media Challenge 2009 - We Came in FIRST!!!

Yes, Damai Secondary School's Sports Channel came in FIRST!!! We beat Crescent Girls School (Second) and Serangoon Secondary School (Third)!

Congraturations to our participating students:

Chan Ziqi, Kirk Chew, Zhou Xihao, Tan Sheng Hock & Chia Xuewei (Not in Photo)

We put in our best effort in building the website, preparing and uploading the contents with the hope to bring out Damai's sporting culture. We did not expect to win (the first). During the award ceremony on the 17th July 2009, we were all nervous when the organisers reveal the results for the secondary school category. When the names of the school for the fifth and fourth places were announced, we though there is no nope. As the names of the schools for third and second place were announced, we though there is no hope of winning. Little did we know that we came in first! We were speechless! For a moment, we were stunned. After sometime, we recomposed ourselves to receive the trophy and prize.

We would like to thank the teachers of the Sports Group, all Damai Students for the support, expecially the Softball Boys, Rugby Boys and Canoeing Girls for their time and effort render in the video interviews. Special thanks also to Mr Victor Lam for the wonderful photographs.

We would not have done it without everyone's support and help!

A Day in the Gardens Submissions

The following Media Club Students are participating in the Flash eBook Competition organised by ASKnLearn & National Parks.

Aiman Faiz2E1
Cheong How Min2E3
Daryl Wong2E1
Sean Yeo1E1
Tan Xue Wen3E1
Teh Le Sze2E3

Click on the image below to view their entries.

We wish them all the best and good luck! :)

ISPL Week 2009 - First Day

ISPL starts this week! The school website was also updated to reflect the event:

The day starts with a technical glitch. We published the files using the wrong user account. This causes the files not to display at eLearning Week 2009 folders at 8am. The problem was discovered and retified at about 8.30am. Sincere apologies for those who wake up early in the morning to participate.

Since 8am in the morning, we see a huge number of support request (20 windows popup!) We were almost overwhelmed! There are some commly asked questions we observed

  1. Could not locate Assessments
  2. Could not locate Submission Trays
  3. Upload to HBL Submission Trays
  4. Cannot download documents
  5. Cannot see the files
  6. Assessment [START] button do not work

Here are the answers to these questions:

  1. Click on the [Assessment] link and look for the subject in the title, or your teacher's name.
  2. Click on [Submit] link and look for the subject & class in the title or your teacher's name.
  3. Do not use HBL Submission Trays! If in doubt, ASK!
  4. See this support webpage [GO]
  5. Refresh your browser (CTRL + Refresh / CTRL + F5)
  6. Certain functions of the LMS do not work if you use FireFox or Safari. Use IE instead.

We would like to assure all students that the school's ICT team is committed to bring a positive eLearning experience to everyone. This year, we have setup a support webpage for everyone. At the webpage, we cover: common issues like Opening of files for viewing and editing, configure your computer to read and type Chinese text, and other frequently asked questions. A copy of the timetable is also available there.

Tomorrow is 15th Anniversary Speech & Prize Giving Day

This week has been a busy and hectic week. Besides lessons, we are busy prepring for tomorrow's speech day. My whole week has been occupied by lessons, mentoring and coaching my new trainer as well as a series of speech day video projects and Mural Launch PowerPoint.

Today is the final rehearsal. We still spot some mistakes in the video for corrections. Hopefully, tomorrow's afternoon event as well as evening's home-coming dinner will be a success!